Who's a Good Boy?? We are!!

Beginnings are hard. Some of them you’re forced into: being born, your first day at school, the first time you have to pay your own rent. This is different: we’re voluntarily starting something new, we aren’t sure how it will go, but we hope it’s worth the effort.

Milwaukee Beagle is a new journalistic endeavor, an almost relic in the era of quickly, nearly instantly generated content. We want Milwaukee Beagle to fulfill long standing goals of leftist journalism: holding power accountable, making our community healthier and happier, and providing a needed, new outlet for anticapitalist voices. 

We aren’t defined by one ideology, but have a common mistrust of authority, a healthy fear of reactionaries and fascists, and a deep disgust with the centrist status quo of Milwaukee politics. Whatever you call us, we aren’t interested in adding to the pile of bullshit you have heaped in front of you on a daily basis. We will be truthful, well-sourced, as thorough as possible, but open to your corrections – and to making the good faith mistakes that come with ambitious, local journalism.

Which brings us to an important facet of Milwaukee Beagle: we’re Milwaukeeans, volunteers, writing about and for Milwaukee. Of course, that will touch on nearby places and politics, as well as the outside forces that sometimes –and sometimes unfortunately– impact our city. But our focus will be on Milwaukee, both the things that bring it hope, and the things that keep it a perpetually fucked up place.

We hope to produce articles that are timely and relevant without being reactive. In that vein, our first article is on the upcoming disastrous Republican National Convention. Next, we’ll address upcoming elections, gerrymandered maps, and Zionism/anti-Palestinian forces in Milwaukee,. We’ll pick on local politicians, name their missteps, but also give credit on the rare times they deserve it (think Goofus and Gallant, but for people who wield state power.)

We don’t promise to be polite or reverent, but we will avoid patting ourselves on the back for provocation. The point will be to find and share the truth, especially where it makes bad people in power uncomfortable, and even when those on “The Left” fail us. 

A few, more tangible things: we reserve the right to publish pseudonymously, anonymously, or using our real names, and it’s up to you to guess which one we’re doing at a given time. We will be seeking submissions, but will be selective about what we publish and who we work with. We won’t have a comment section, but there will be ways to give us feedback. We hope our work makes a difference in your life and in the future of this great, deeply flawed city. We hope that one day publications like Milwaukee Beagle will be the norm, and no longer the exception. 


How to Counter a Fascist Convention