Cujo Cujo

Democrats Don’t Imprison People for Mental Illness

Another faultline has recently opened up in the maybe too big, big tent Democratic Party (imagine the fault line is opening up under a circus –this metaphor is actually really good, shut up.) On the one hand, you have reasonable, empathetic people who understand that the unhoused and housing insecure among us deserve dignified treatment, kindless –and housing, if it’s wanted.

This edition:

Democrats Do Spend Public Money on Actual Public Services

Democrats Don’t Imprison People for Mental Illness

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Old Dan Old Dan

The RNC’s Violence Has Already Begun

Silence in the face of racist murder is a form of violence. The convention media spectacle eclipsing the national spotlight Mr Crump and D’Vontaye’s family are drawing unto his death is an example of this silencing violence already occurring here thanks to the RNC.

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Old Dan Old Dan

Open letter to new DOC Secretary Jared Hoy

All who know the inner workings of the present WI DOC want to see it embrace its true mission to rehabilitate the prisoners and keep the public safe. That mission has been largely abandoned and what we see is mere warehousing. You know all this, have been part of the decision making, and now have the opportunity to help the DOC strike out on a new healthy path.

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