Scoobert Doo Scoobert Doo

Liberals killin democracy

Democracy in America is dying because it is a system that relies on the participation of the electorate. If the electorate is too vocal and active however, then liberals may have to pass laws that decrease their comfort and wealth, they may have to enact policies that could even cost them their donors, cushy do-nothing jobs, and friendships with republicans.

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Old Dan Old Dan

Milwaukee’s Pro-Genocide Backlash

Palestinian solidarity activists in Milwaukee have been threatened, spat on, and subject to trespassing and vandalism in their homes. Five of them were beaten, restrained and dragged into custody by police. Some Zionists even went to Marquette under the cover of darkness and armed with a pistol to desecrate a Palestinian memorial.

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Mr. Peabody Mr. Peabody

The RNC: Don't Forget Who Did This To Us

Now that the Fascist Convention is here, it could be useful to remind ourselves that whatever happens, Mayor Cavalier Johnson bears the full responsibility and we need to hold him accountable for inviting these fascists to our city. We have the receipts Cavalier Johnson. Whatever happens during this convention you are to blame. We are not going to let you hide from your broken promises and responsibility.

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Old Dan Old Dan

The RNC’s Violence Has Already Begun

Silence in the face of racist murder is a form of violence. The convention media spectacle eclipsing the national spotlight Mr Crump and D’Vontaye’s family are drawing unto his death is an example of this silencing violence already occurring here thanks to the RNC.

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Old Dan Old Dan

Break the Biden Death Grip

Milwaukee progressives, leftists, and antifascists are well situated to prevent a Trump presidency. First, we are living in a swing state. We are also (unfortunately) hosting the Republican National Convention, and only an hour and a half from the Democratic National Convention. Poll margins and political dialogs here are watched closely by election strategists and pundits. What Milwaukeeans say and do during the campaign season matters. Now, I don’t want to overstate our power, but we do have more than other people who live in deep blue states, or left enclaves far from the conventions. With this power comes responsibility.

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Mr. Peabody Mr. Peabody

Why we call republicans fascists

As the old saying goes, if it looks like a fascist, walks like a fascist, and talks like a fascist, chances are it is a fascist. The most difficult part of writing this article was not finding evidence of Wisconsin Republicans’ embodiment of fascism but rather deciding which examples to use. And this was just Wisconsin Republicans, imagine the endless examples if we examined all Republicans. We must not shy away from calling Republicans what they have become: fascists.

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Old Dan Old Dan

How to Counter a Fascist Convention

While efforts to gather, hold each other safe, and defend our city are vital and encouraging, they don’t address the core problem: this should never have happened. We cannot let the people who put us at risk off the hook. The community response to the RNC needs to include holding the elected officials who invited the fascists here responsible for what goes down during their party in our city.

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