Re- introducing Milwaukee Beagle

Welcome to Milwaukee Beagle! We know we have a number of new followers, so we thought this would be a good opportunity to reintroduce ourselves and what we are all about. At its core, Milwaukee Beagle is a political media project that sniffs out corruption, detects money in politics, and holds public officials accountable. Our commitments to our readers are:

We don’t hide our opinions, but our opinions are informed by facts

We all have values and opinions at Milwaukee Beagle and we feel it is disingenuous to pretend that we don’t and try to be ’objective.’ Objectivity and trying to ‘both sides’ an issue often ends up simply supporting the status quo, which is choosing a side anyways. Instead we will be upfront and transparent about how we feel about something. We will back up our opinions with meticulously cited research and evidence (or at least as much as we can fit into around a 1000 word article). We will show our work and bring receipts.

We go to where the fight is

We are a small operation with limited capacity. When we are deciding what to write about, our driving motivation is to go towards whatever the current fight is. Whether it’s Democratic primaries, the city budget, or a general election, we focus our energies where we can have the most impact at the moment.

We will not mince our words

The idea of Midwest nice, while being endearing, also can obscure and hide what is really going on. Softening language to simply not offend enables some truly horrific behavior to hide in plain sight. That is why we will openly call Republicans Fascists and talk about the genocide actively going on in Palestine. We are specific in our language, but, as always, will back up our opinions with facts.

We publish anonymously, our writing is our credentials 

In a world where everyone wants to be an influencer or get their name out there, we chose to not participate in the cult of celebrity. We would rather that our writing speaks for itself and earns us trust and credibility. We are not in this for ourselves and so who we are does not matter. What matters is what we write.

We will criticize Democrats, but recognize Republicans are our true enemy

At Milwaukee Beagle you will find no lack of articles criticizing Democrats and their allies. We do this not because we want to divide the party, but because we recognize that not all Democrats are created equal. In a political system with only two options, a lot of widely varying viewpoints can find themselves allying with Democrats simply because they are not Republican. And none of our support should be taken for granted just so that Republicans do not win. We believe that it is important to push the party towards left-wing populism. Not only because this aligns with our values, but because it is the best way to beat our worst and shared enemies, fascists.  

We are looking for guest writers

In order to publish even more informative articles, we are always open to having guest writers. If you have written something or have an idea that you’d like to pitch, that you think meets the site’s standards of liberatory politics and journalistic rigor, please send it to us at MilwaukeeBeagle [at] gmail [dot] com. Articles will be reviewed by our team and if published can be either done anonymously or with your name.

We need your help to grow

It’s hard to break through all the noise of the political machine and attention economy these days and we need your help! Both in the physical and digital media environment, Milwaukee Beagle is hoping to grow. If you would like to support us in this, please write to us at MilwaukeeBeagle [at] gmail [dot] com. Otherwise just sharing our articles on social media, posting them to Reddit, or just telling your community about us is greatly appreciated.


Democrats Do Refuse to Follow Fascist Laws


Primary Debrief